SKDS BANDS           May 15 - 


Band Guild

Awesome American Composers

Complete the following in the order they are given. The first three are worksheets, the rest are games to play. Have fun!

George M. Cohan Worksheet
- Use this website to answer the questions on the worksheet

John Philips Sousa Workseet- Use the following websites to answer the questions.

  1. John Philips Sousa
  2. The Stars and Stripes Forever
  3. More Sousa Marches
Leonard Bernstein Workseet- Use the following websites to answer the questions.
  1. About Bernstein
  2. Official Leonard Bernstein Site

Other Activities:
  1. Santa's Delivery
  2. SousaPalooza
  3. The Rhythm Trainer
  4.  Music Racer if you make the Top 50 in any level, print out the Top 50 list with your name and school on it and hand in  for 5 extra credit points!
  5. Challenge assignment: Rhythm Quiz "Fling the Music Teacher"  This is very hard- you will be adding, subtracting, and multiplying note values.